Dark mode is rapidly becoming more common in applications.
However, Microsoft Teams does not adhere to the Windows 10 system color scheme match, meaning if you want to enable dark mode in Teams, you’re going to have to do it manually.
But don’t worry, it’s relatively quick and easy to do – and there’s even a bonus ‘High contrast’ mode, should that be your thing.
In this quick guide we’ll detail step by step how you go about switching from the light (default) theme, to the much more appealing (in our opinion) Dark mode theme.
Table of Contents
How to enable dark mode in Microsoft Teams
Follow the steps below to enable dark mode in Microsoft Teams
Total Time: 2 minutes
Step 1
Open Microsoft Teams.
Step 2

Click your profile picture / account (top right)
Step 3

Click Settings
Step 4

Click General (it should default to this tab)
Step 5

Select Dark from within the Theme section
And there you have it, you can now enjoy the benefits of Dark mode in Microsoft Teams!
Like we previously mentioned, there’s also an option to enable High contrast mode which have been shown to reduce eye strain.
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